Religion, not just faith but understanding
The premise of the article, Religions Changing with the World" (published in Chennai_Live_News), was that religions should be uniting forces. However, both past and recent atrocities committed in the name…
Is Harry Potter telling us something?
Here are some facts relating to the fantasy genre in film and books: As of 2011, the Harry Potter film franchise is the highest-grossing film franchise of all time. Similarly,…
Ideal Conduct, taking the baby steps
The article, Sanatana Dharma, a Path to Perfection (CLN, Religion) stated that, in essence, dharma is ideal conduct and character. When man, as an "unqualified being", follows dharma, he receives…
Hinduism – Way of Life or Religion?
In the article, Religion, not just faith but understanding (Chennai Live News, 2015), the message was that all religions should be about human conduct. The origins of Hinduism strongly supports…
God and Neutrino
“Do any physical theories allow room for God to influence human actions and events? And… is there any concrete evidence of God’s hand at work in the physical world?” These…
Fictional Airplanes and Spiritual Contributions
In the epic, the Ramayana, Ravana is shown as using an airplane to take Sita to Lanka and, similarly, Hanuman is portrayed as flying through space to land near the…
The Changing Conception of God – from Fear to Philosophy
Since the early days, the man believed in the existence of God. However, the concept of God - why one needs a god or how god appears - had changed…
The subconscious mind knows more about you
Until the early 17th century, scientists, philosophers, and theologians - from both the West and the East - recognized that our subconscious minds influenced who we are and the world…
Just a bit of wrestling, no pretty steps
“It is lucky that it is not raining today. Strange, how in some way one always has the impressions of being fortunate, how some chance happening, perhaps infinitesimal, stops us…
Shades of grey
One of the features of consciousness, according to the integrated information theory proposed by neuroscientists, Christof Koch and Giuloio Tononi , is that it is highly informative. When you perceive…