Are Mythologies Fictional and Rituals Irrational?
Mythology is not invented; they are found. You can no more tell us what your dream is going to be tonight than you can invent a myth. Myths come from…
Graduating from Faith and Rituals
When a man follows the way of the world, or the way of the flesh, or the way of tradition - when he believes in religious rites and the letter…
Art and science for Nadopasana
Carnatic music, like most other music systems of the world, has two dimensions: an emotional dimension and an intellectual dimension. The emotional dimension is supported by the melodic system, which…
The Kural – Changing the Axis of Life
Recently, The Hindu newspaper published an article about the renowned Tamil scholar, Thiruvachagamani Balasuramaniam, and his conversation with the former President of India, Saravepalli Dr. S. Radhakrishan, during an event…
Sankeerthana for Salvation
Expressing devotion through bhakthi is a well-known Hindu tradition. Bhakthi is love, attachment, and dedication to a personal god. However, bhakthi also implies that a bhaktha (a devotee) will strive…
Who is in charge of your mind
Neuroscientists state that, while we claim we are in control, it is actually our inner mind that is influencing our emotions, motives, and behaviors. As Dr. , renowned behavioral-neurologist, expressed,…
Karma, convenient excuse or a beacon of light?
Self-transformation is arduous work, especially at first; but each tiny change brings with it the joyful awareness that your life is gradually becoming a force for peaceful change.” Karma is…
Seven Steps for Success
Wellness / By May McCarthy Seven Steps to Success – the Art of Living Retreat Center It is always interesting to me to see the differences between successful people who…
Culture Mythology – Historical Facts or Metaphorical Truths?
According to Hindu mythology, Anjaneya flew over a sea; Ravana had ten heads and Vamana, the dwarf-avatar of Vishnu, measured the entire universe with his feet. How believable are…
Is religion necessary?
Scientists believe that the universe is a physical phenomenon - with a natural order that could be understood through observation and reasoning. A few scientists also assert that God had…